VOLVER A PÁGINA PRINCIPAL DE Biblioteca Inés de Joyes Documentos históricos del feminismo. Traducciones.
Carmen de Burgos. Colombine
AUTORÍA TRADUCCIÓN: 3 Párrafos Iniciales. Carmen Romero Márquez y Raquel Rull Morales. 2º Bachillerato. IES Alhamilla. Primavera de 2014 / Hasta primer punto y aparte de lapágina 12 Caridad Tortosa Rodriguez. 4º ESO IES Alhamilla. 2015-16. Página 12 Rachell Ugalde Estupiñán 2º Bachillerato A 6-12-2017. Sin hacer de la página 13 a 34 inclusives. Páginas 35-38 (hasta segundo párrafo inclusive) Raquel Rodriguez Garcia 2º bachillerato A. 2017-18.
(page 7) It is carrying out, in front of our eyes, one of those deep evolutions that transform the society and those that doesn’t realise of those that suffer the shok of the new elements, that drag everything that had been useful as a base to make ideas and feelings. If beginnings of christianity marks a new era, and the french revolution is the beginning of an age, it can’t be a doubt that Big War, that explode in 1914, marks the beginning of a new historic period and removes deeply beginnings and manners. We are in the moment in which things are knocked down more than built; in which old materials are caught to build with them and they break between the hans; the accurate moment to prepare in front of a future that tries to broke with the past, in a overflowing, so impetuous when the obstacles they get oppose gets bigger. (page 7-8) In the middle of
bewildering, from the
vagueness, in that whole stirring with the longing the renovation
insatiable which accompanies to the humility during all pos
peregrinaje for land, the woman appears troubled,mpre
intensely because it is in her more seeks transformation. There's
something about the sick woman which operates in cataract and the
took the bandage to broad sun, leaving it exposed glare and the
blindness. (page 8-11) |
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Althougt exist already a large most of woman prepared of the mission social in the world from the postwar period must play, it needs a most carefully for not spoil the fruit at the time from adaptation, we could say from transplant, where as the tree loses its leaves and conserved the yolks to be given new outbreak, the woman should miss the false trash from preconceptions, false ideas and custom arbitrary, preserving what the noble and fundamental that in is nature, the what it constitutes orientation. The bas is in the law, in the proclamation from the “ Equal from right”. The custom have evolved much in favour of the woman. What is needed it is Codes running according to customs and aren't intending fix the life in texts still. You can say we go through a period analogical to the woman romans when they got in the customs a degree of freedom, from equality with the men and until of preponderance, who haven't overcome even the states more feminist the Nort America.
They aren’t worried of the situation in the Code, they aren’t discussed; it was all action and feminism, what we can call practical, and all disappeared with the Empire without trace. The influence of faded customs and was only written law, which has stamp to mark served as slave women for so many centuries. You need the freedom won in the customs is guaranteed by the laws. It must be fixed in a definitive way the true concept of feminism. Few doctrines have been fought and so poorly understood. It was dropped on feminism, only deserved disrepute behavior of some women who didn’t understand it’s significance, and campaigns of men and women who ridiculed the fighting for the liberation of a part of humanity. The first major conquest of feminism was to make to be taken seriously, to crease the easy jokes and jokes in bad taste, that eminent supporters of the liberation of women declare and define clearly that feminism means: SOCIAL WORKING PARTY TO ACHIEVE JUSTICE ISN’T ENSLAVE HALF OF MANKING, IN PREJUDICE OF ALL. Left word feminism concept imbalances and absurdities, the idea of female hegemony and danger to society. Rarely can shut an idea in the narrow mold of a definition and less feminism, which has broad exceptions and more actions doctrine, to secure the release of women and improve their condition in order to guarantee their individual rights in the name of the principle of human rights and in the interest of the community, to more easily perform their mission with the benefit of the two halves that make it up: So, feminism holds as the most impure doctrine of freedom and justice and as a work principles, entails a great social utility. The word that has been designated this movement and this doctrine is of French origin and is attributed to Fourier, the great defender of women in your system express the conviction that human progress is in direct proportion to the privileges and the social influence that females can develop. No way I would mean by that word a desire for sex reversal of functions, much less the desire for equality, which makes it impossible nature. Accepted the world feminism to designate the cause of women’s liberation, according to their nature, bad faith discredited and even presented feminism sometimes like a terrible thing, capable of dissolving the society, and sometimes as something ridiculous and risible, he didn’t deserve to be taken seriously. With the desire to find a new, less controversial word to describe the just aspirations of women, there were those who called him Humanism, without making this name universalized. Really the issue is trivial in the background. The word feminism is called to leave soon used, without seeking any replacing it, as with the word chauvinism. Governed achieved justice for the two halves of the human race, there isn’t need to make that distinction, which he has forced to search for a word that represents the vindication of women. The word is but the representative sing of the problem that stirred with in society and that isn’t one of those we might call side, because they don’t affect more than a certain number of individuals or because they are born of conventionality. Feminism exists, independent of the will, and it includes society in general. Born of injustice, discomfort, that part of humanity suffers. It can only be resolved by resetting the integrity of justice for all are guaranteed their right. So we see that feminism isn’t just a theory, but a fact. It represents the desire for freedom of the oppressed and abused women. Although it’s origin is ancient periods in which there has worsened over the fight and discomfort, especially since further development of culture, and the generalization of the critical, they make that a lot of women come out of the morass of indifference and deceit of gallantry. The modern air, which stoken the fire, cme from American soil,not only as a younger country, freest of damage engendering history, overflowing with rich and generous producer sap ferments, but because the strggle made him tough, determined, and called for the development of all active forces. The seed had been in Europe; America came the ripe fruit. With that momentum peersonality of modern women she develop rapidly, growing free the couplein dignity and authoriry, although otherwise intend critics with demonstrations of independence respectable, imbalances ofa smallnumber of women, who, like Maty Martin says: " Hide undder the cloak feminism behavior of the most misleading or an eccentricity of bad law. Under the false pretext of emancipation it. They give free rein to their strage customs and their whimsical fantasy". it isn't about censoring or discuss whether they right or wrong. That we can say is that their behavior has nothing to do with feminism; and leveraging knowingly unserious argument and nothing loyal,those who shout to them: " What they see that example give feminoists?". But feminism is something more serious. His fire lit in the world to boost economic needs who raised their flames, fanned by the pain and suffering of female slavery. He had been checking al over time, hardly aware, an evolution in the family and in economic conditions of nations, and certainly not under the influence of women. He disappeared almost completely, a type of organization family with in which, although it lacked rights, women felt morally protected. Hardly exist and those households that sheltered near the dim light oil, a loving family, whose head protected many women linked him a family relation ship, y far it was.The women always found shelter in those households was standard of conduct. It had fulfilled it's economic needs. They hadn't yet penetrated their concerns and ambitions spirit and resigned himself to the routinee life. (page 12)
But since there is nothing left but a
minority of that type of homes; since the woman is no longer
respected and secure, neither her own, sometimes, she had to feel a
deep discomfort and irradiate it upon the whole society, victim of
her own selfishness; well, according to the right sentence of
Novicow, "happiness of the nations is in the direct reason of
the sum of justice which they distribute among individuals who form
(page 35)
CHAPTER 3 Psychological differences. - Consequences that they deduce. - Right to a single moral. - Prejudices that the law sanctions. – Infanticide. - Paternity investigation. - Birth restriction. - Immorality sponsored by the State. - Means of suppressing it. From the false analysis of the feminine nature the theory of the existence of two different morals is born: that the nervous system of women reaches a greater degree of sensitivity deduced by the antifeminists who are inferior, because they are too sentimental. They assure as Diderot that they do not understand the absolute principles, that they are not interested in the ideal abstraction and that they only thrill and spread the treasures of generosity of their soul when they are told of piety, of love, of forgiveness and a call is made to their holy goodness and to the maternal instinct that fills their heart. They also deduce that the greater sensibility causes that they are exalted with facility and are prone to the explosive passions. Here the falsity of the argument is even more evident because the facts deny it. See in the story who have let themselves be snatched more by violent passions. the man, who has the aggressiveness, offers example of more overwhelming passions and therefore, generally, less lasting. The passionate dramas of jealousy, of revenge, of selfishness, abound more among men. The statistics give a greater number of male suicides, by exalted passions, which are not always amorous passions, but pride, avarice, the desire for riches and glory. The penal statistics of Spain of 1926 give 13,294 criminal men and only 871 women, and there is talk of explosive female passions! In general, the normal, well-balanced woman is not passionate in the sense that phrase implies. Her education has accustomed her to know how to wait, and her nature needs the insinuation to respond to it; but the bad faith attributes to her, by the predominance of the nervous system, thoughtlessness and impulse instead of recognizing a better equipped temperament to him for the art. It is a vulgar phrase to say that women are selfish and false; vices that women and men usually suffer equally and that if they could ever apologize would be the enslaved, in which can incur them fear and the instinct of self-preservation. Moebius says: "Cunning in women is not a sign of high mental endowments. She is constrained to disguise her sensual needs and instinctively exercises dissembling, because dissimulation is the indispensable and natural weapon for women. It can not be otherwise. We can judge her lie more benevolently than the male.” It is observed how in the middle of the diatribe the recognition of the truth arises and that Moebius in this concept of morality and social value of the woman, he vents his anger on them. He attributes to them the anonymous, the most despicable weapon of mankind; He says that both physically and morally, women are “highly dangerous”. He claims that “they are conservative and welcome all the absurd as good”, that “The morality that is derived in reasoning is inaccessible to them”.” What is different from a family does not interest them”. “They have no sense of justice”. “Their unfulfilled vanity awakens in them tempests that leave no field for any reflection”. He believes that progress is only the work of man and denies women to the role of inspirer and the element of encouragement that contributes to the creation of artists: "Women -he says- are a heavy burden for men and prevent them from use all your energies”. So much is his viciousness against his rival sex, that he himself distorts his attacks with his exaggerations, when he claims: "As a consequence of the critical age, in which the woman becomes old, we can observe a weakness in her mental faculties", or when he says: "An old man is only old, a woman is also disgusting and ridiculous." Schopenhauer, who does not forgive Christianity for having modified "the state of inferiority in which antiquity had women, with the gallantry and the stupid veneration of German Christian foolishness", he says: "The European lady is a monster; product of human bestiality, a machine to spend money. Nature, which has denied her strength, has given her, to protect her weakness, the meanness and the dissimulation. In this he does nothing more than parody Anacreon who wrote: "God has given the woman the beauty in exchange for the judgment with which he endowed men" But Schopenhauer also denies them a beauty, which their abnormal nature does not understand, and he exclaims: "That gender of wide hips, long hair and short ideas, instead of being called beautiful, would be fairer to call it unsightly" Unable to know love, he is amazed by the mysterious empire and feminine appeal and that even great spirits love women and keep their portraits and the tufts of their hair as relics. His hatred, like that of all misogynists, is that of the indeterminate genre to the genre they envy because it triumphs in its fullness. His is a rage of a frustrated woman who suffers the martyrdom of jealousy.
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Francés. José Rafael Cazorla Ayala, Alumna del IES Alhamilla. 4º ESO, asignatura Ciencias Sociales, curso 2015-16. Hasta el último punto y seguido de la página 8. CHAPITRE PREMIER la transformation sociale. - Origine du féminism - Son divers tendencias.-Sens Féminisme moderno. Justice à proclamation du droit humain sans distinction de sexe. Est faite sous nos yeux l'un de cesdes changements profonds qui transforment la société et dont seulement réaliser ceux qui souffrent choc des nouveaux éléments qui traînent tousqu'il avait servi de base pour l'élaboration des idées et sentiments. Si les débuts du christianisme a marqué une nouvelle. Il était, et la Révolution française est le début d'une age, on ne peut douter que le Grand Ghierra que Sculpté en 1914, il commence une nouvelle période historique riche et supprime profondément les principes et les coutumes. Nous sommes dans le moment bascule plus est construit; dans lequel les matériaux anciens sont pris pour construire avec eux et les mains défaisaient le bon moment pour se préparer contre une Porve n'essayant de rompre avec le passé, dans un desboi commandement, plus impétueuse plus sont. Les obstacles qui s'y opposent. Dans la confusion, l'imprécision, dans laquelle tout est agité avec soif insatiable pour le renouvellement qui accompagne l'humanité tout au long de sa pégrimage sur le terrain, la femme semble troublé, plus intensément parce qu'il est en elle Ruder la transformation. Il y a quelque chose dans la femme malade à dans lequel les deux cataractes et la bande de poudrage plein soleil, laissant exposé à l'éblouissement et la cécité. Bien qu'il y ait déjà une grande majorité des femmes préparé pour la mission sociale dans le monde l'après-guerre devrait jouer, vous avez besoin d'un grand soin de ne pas gâcher le fruit sur ce le temps d'adapter, nous pourrions dire transplanté vous, où que l'arbre perd ses feuilles et conserve les bourgeons ont à donner de nouveaux foyers, femme devrait perdre litière fausses idées préconçues, idées fausses et les coutumes arbitraires, en préservant la noble et essentiel qu'il y ait dans la nature, qui est une véritable orientation. La base est dans la loi, dans la proclamation de la "L'égalité des droits". Les douanes ont beaucoup évolué en faveur les femmes. Il est nécessaire que les codes fonctionnant selon les coutumes et ne sont pas destinés ils donnent la vie des textes encore fixés. Vous pouvez dire que nous traversons une période analogue aller aux femmes romaines lorsqu'elle est faite dans le douanes un degré de liberté, d'égalité avec l'homme et même prépondérance, qui ne sont pas plus rado même les Etats les plus féministes de l'Amérique du Nord. Ils ne sont pas inquiets de la situation dans le codage vont pas discuté; il était toute action et féminisme nous pouvons appeler pratique, mais tous disparu avec le Empire sans laisser de trace. l'influence de fané coutumes et était seule loi écrite, qui a timbre à l'occasion servi femmes esclaves depuis tant de siècles. Il est nécessaire que la liberté a gagné dans le coût. Toms est garantie par les lois. Doit être réglé de façon définitive le véritable concept de la foi Déterminisme. Peu de doctrines ont été battus et ainsi incompris. ¿Quieres continuar tu? ¿Quieres comentar algo de la traducción? ¿Te atreves con otro idioma?: Correo de contacto: biografiasma@gmail.com |
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